Manungurra Aboriginal Corporation | Find the Answers | FAQs
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Find the answers you’re looking for

The following are some of our more frequently asked questions. Have a read to see if you can find the answer you need. If not, we’re more than happy to chat over the phone, or via email.


At Manungurra Aboriginal Corporation, we believe in honesty. If you think there’s something missing from the following list, feel free to get in touch. We also welcome all feedback.

What is the history of the Manungurra?

The history of the Manungurra, the Kunapa people and the Barkly region is a long and interesting one. Head to our History section and read more about our cultural progression from the 19 century to now.

Do you assist with farming projects?

Yes, we do! Manungurra Aboriginal Corporation has a range of equipment at our disposal to assist with basic earthmoving tasks and land cultivation. We also offer a Seed Harvesting Pilot Program as part of our training and education services.

Can you offer electrical help?

As custodians of the land, we endeavour to have a positive impact on the environment around us. In the past, we have worked on various solar panel installation projects, as we prefer to use renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint.

What are the objectives of your homeland developments?

The objectives are simple. Because the Kunapa families have cultural and traditional responsibilities to protect the land and ecosystem, we make every effort to preserve the natural environment in a number of ways. These are predominantly demonstrated through measures that reduce our carbon footprint, such as the development of biodiesel infrastructure and alternate housing.

Can I get support for an upcoming funeral or ceremony?

Yes, you can! We assist families experiencing loss by contributing to the cost of a funeral service, especially those outside the Kunapa homelands. You will however, need to gain the Directors’ approval.

Do you provide educational support?

Manungurra Aboriginal Corporation understands the importance of education for the betterment of our greater community. By offering education programs, we can improve your likelihood of obtaining employment, increasing financial wealth, and maintaining your health and wellbeing. We provide funding and can assist with school uniforms, travel costs, school books and stationery.

What kind of health support services do you offer?

Our main health support service is aimed at assisting carers and family members. We may be able to help if a family member needs to travel interstate, or to a larger regional areas like Alice Springs or Darwin to seek medical treatment. This option is only available to those who have been unsuccessful in obtaining government funding.

Where can I find more information?

Manungurra Aboriginal Corporation has a blog page, which we regularly update with pertinent information to our members. We also post industry changes and job opportunities as we receive them. Check here every so often if you’re seeking employment, or give us a call today.

What are your office hours?

Our office hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Feel free to give CEO, Graeme Smith a call to further discuss any queries you may have.